Grecia Costa Rican
Smalltown Coffee Co.

Grecia Costa Rican

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Crown Point, IN

Grecia Costa Rican
10 OZ


This coffee comes from one specific farm in Costa Rica, owned by Marco Oviedo. Processed using the "honey" method.

Altitude, meters



Costa Rica







Notes from the curator

As part of the Farmer’s Project, his mission is “to cultivate quality coffee using sustainable practices and to establish long-term relationships with partners who believe in doing business with integrity and fairness.” The high elevation and gentle weather of the region lends itself to layered and complex coffees. The coffee is processed in a coffee mill right on the property where it’s grown, leading to more control over quality.

More about Smalltown Coffee Co.

Coffee is craft. From beginning to end, it’s excellence depends on the willingness of hard working men and women to choose to do things the right way. Usually the hard way. Those are the kind of people we are, and the kind of people we partner with from farm cup. The proof is in the coffee.


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