Mild acidity with a medium body, sweet start, creamy-dark chocolate, smooth finish.
Notes from the curator
The northeastern face of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Mountains, the tallest seaside elevation in Columbia independent of the Andes Mountains, is the location of the ASOPROKAN coffee cooperative. Situated around the towns of Bello and Valledupar, (Productores Agroecologicos Indigenas Kankuamos) is composed of indigenous Arhuaca and Kankuamo farmers. These farmers are a deeply spiritual and communal ethnic group who base their agricultural production on sustainable organic practices.
More about Tend Coffee
Are you looking for consistently beautiful coffee that has been roasted in an environmentally responsible way? Then read on! A lot like the lifeguard stand on the shores above, when working with some of the best coffees on the planet our main job is to watch over them with care. This is the very meaning of Tend.
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