Light-Medium Roast Naturally Farmed Traded Fairly Shade Grown Flavor Notes: chocolate, toffee-nut, smooth
Altitude, feet
2600 - 4100
Minas Gerais
Natural; Fully Washed
Catuai, Mundo Novo
Notes from the curator
Our Brazil coffee is sourced from a traditional coffee farm run by the Paiva family in the Minas Gerais region, family owned since 1840. This farm is dedicated to preserving the natural environment, practicing water preservation and planting native trees.
More about Redemption Road Coffee
When you buy a freshly roasted bag of Redemption Road Coffee, you’re not just buying good coffee… You're supporting a cause. You're supporting individual hardworking families all across the globe. You're supporting a mission to help people live more authentically both emotionally and spiritually.
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