Costa Rica Tarrazu
Martini Coffee Roasters

Costa Rica Tarrazu

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Naperville, IL

Costa Rica Tarrazu
5 LB


Costa Rica SHB Tarrazu Light/Medium Roast

Altitude, meters

1300 - 1600


Costa Rica


Los Santos


Fully Washed


Catuai, Caturra

Notes from the curator

CoopeTarrazu was established in 1970 and has grown to become one of the most important contributors to the economic development of the Los Santos region of Tarrazu. The Coop assists its more than 2,600 members technical assistance, low-cost loans, and affordable fertilizers. The coop employs approximately 10,000 people either directly in coffee production or in supporting roles. These employees allow CoopeTarrazu to control the entire production process for their coffee.

More about Martini Coffee Roasters

Here at Martini Coffee Roasters, we explore the art and tradition of coffee roasting. We believe each new coffee variety we encounter can be expressed in a multitude of roast profiles. For some of our single-origin coffee we even allow our customers to choose their own roast! At MCR, we roast-to-order in small batches to ensure quality and freshness.


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