Brighter, full-bodied rich coffee that is fruity with flavors cherry, lemon, cinnamon and chocolate.
Altitude, meters
1600 - 2200
Fully Washed
Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Pache
Notes from the curator
Hue Hue Tenango (way-way-ten-nang-oh) is in the northeast highlands of Guatemala. With the natural shade from the highland jungles, this area provides the perfect growing environment for some of the most fragrant and aromatic coffees in the world. This coffee was grown and produced by the CODECH Coop (Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Desarrollo de Concepción Huista). One of the main objectives of CODECH is to encourage the participation of women in the Guatemalan workforce and economy.
More about Bent Tree Coffee Roasters, LLC
Bent Tree Coffee Roasters was born from a love of coffee in the summer of 2011. We are a small batch, artisan coffee roaster located in historic downtown Kent, Ohio. We seek out and start with high quality Arabican green coffee beans and carefully roast them to perfection.